About Homeopathy

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~ safe, gentle, effective
~ for everyone, the very young to the elderly
~ individualized, uniquely chosen for what you are experiencing
~ body, mind, emotions are expressions of you as a whole, a holistic approach
~the homeopathic remedy is matched to this whole symptom picture
~ over 200 years old, standing the test of time
~ trusted by millions worldwide, including the Royal family of England
~can address causation, whether from illness, injury, or Never Been Well Since
~deep acting, able to address many conditions at the same time
~ without cause for concerning side effects
~noninvasive, non-habit forming
~ stimulates the body’s own healing ability, strengthening the immune system
~ an art of case taking & science of materia medica, the medicinal substances

Classical Homeopathy is based on 4 principles:

1)  Law of Similars:  Similia similibus curentur–“like cures like-a substance that can cause symptoms of illness in a healthy person can heal a sick person suffering from similar symptoms.

2)  The Minimum Dose: Giving the least amount of homeopathic substance to affect the change.

3)  Totality of Symptoms: Matching not just the symptoms but the complete picture of the person to the symptoms of the remedy.

4)  Single Remedy: Administering 1 remedy at a time.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]